I acquired this from FBM for a very reasonable price. It was the perfect nostalgic piece for me as I used to work with these Amstrad PC’s back in the 80’s. During my Information Technology degree at Sheffield University I was on a industrial placement year for Hepworth Refractories in Worksop. This was a massive […]
Back in the day my first real IT job fresh out of university was working for Hepworth Refractories in Worksop, Nottinghamshire and given a made up, catch all role of Project Enginner. They basically made heat resistant bricks for kilns and furnaces but had lots of aging control equipment and the site spanned 60 acres […]
I finally received my much sought after Timex TS2068 or so I thought. I wasn’t sure if it was American made which requires a 15v supply or Portuguese which requires 9v supply so had to do some investigation. There was no psu supplied just the unit so I first had to figure the polarity of […]
3 inch drive was replaced with a new Gotek Drive which required a new Amstrad floppy cable interface as Gotek requires a 34pin cable whereas standard Amstrad floppy cable is 26 pins so some conversion is required. The PCW8256 is only 256Kb and this was expanded to the full 512Kb. Fully cleaned and renovated. The […]
Just need the Sinclair QL for the full set